RapidTools became a well known tool set in the industry in the last few years, counting more then 10.000 registered users so far. Most of them have a really good opinion about the tool set and thanks to that, it’s spreading around the artist world more and more. I’m continuously working on the package, making it more reliable and optimized and I’m also creating new tools as well. Thanks to my colleagues I got a really good response about what else should I create. I have thousands of hours in learning new languages and coding, so if you think these tools are helpful for you, please buy them, especially in case you earn money using them. I’m sure I have saved you a lot of time. And time is precious! Thank You! :)


UVReactor is a new era of UV Editing in 3dsmax. It works directly on Editable Poly objects, at least 12x times faster than the build-in solution and it seamlessly integrates into the UI of 3ds max.
Supported versions: 3dsmax 2020 – 2025 | Windows 10 and 11

Octopus is a Pie Menu plug-in for 3dsmax, which you can customize and setup easily. Stacking and repeating commands for faster modeling, preview for checking your actions, spinner buttons and much more.
Supported versions: 3dsmax 2016 – 2024 | Windows 7 – Windows 11
FOR BEST EXPERIENCE: RapidTools and Axis also must be installed.

Axis Screen Space aligning tool. Using it, you don’t have to spend more time finding the axis where you wish to align your objects and sub-objects. Axis will convert the Screen Space movement to World space.
Supported versions: 3dsmax 2012 – 2025 | Windows 7 – Windows 11

Rapid Tools the well known free toolset, which make max modeling easier. :)
Supported versions: 3dsmax 2012 – 2025 | Windows 7 – Windows 11

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