Built-In Octopus Menus


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The Create Octopus Menu is the home to create basic primitive objects. All of them have a Single and a Spinner mode. This menu is using Hold and Release as well.

Spinner Create


Each axis controls the following.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementWidth
Vertical MovementLength
Wheel ChangeHeight


The followings are mapped to the Tube parameters.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementOuter Radius
Vertical MovementHeight
Wheel ChangeInner Radius


The followings are mapped to Cylinder parameters.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementRadius
Vertical MovementHeight
Wheel ChangeRadial Segments

Sphere / QSphere

QSphere is a special sphere. It basically uses a Spherified Box to get the result.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementRadius
Vertical Movement
Wheel ChangeSegments


Plane Mapping.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementWidth
Vertical MovementHeight
Wheel Change


Torus Mapping.

Octopus Cursor AxisParameters
Horizontal MovementRadius 1
Vertical MovementRadius 2
Wheel ChangeSegments and Sides
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